Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So, as most of you know, my Mom and I will be traveling to Norway during Spring Break for the unveiling of a piece of music that is being written especially for our Staley High School Chamber Choir. But.. like most good things.. there is a catch. We have to raise $3,000 per person. That means lots and lots of fundraising. And anything/everything counts. We have been given packets and brochures of different gifts and goodies. So far, the orders I have taken are mostly chocolate, chocolate, and.. more chocolate!

I would like to ask for your support on this long and memorable journey. If it would be at all convenient, I would also ask that you would take a look at the catalog and brochures, whether with me (if you live close) or, if you'd like, on the online catalog and brochures (for those who live far away). As I mentioned.. anything and everything counts.

If you are interested in looking at the online catalog/store, the steps are very simple.
1. Click on the website posted HERE!
2. Click on the "Online Store" icon in the top left hand corner of the screen
3. When asked, enter the Staley HS ID: 1486489
4. Then enter the student name (that would be me): Hunter Kanenwisher

Our cutoff for THIS fundraiser is next Monday.

There will be more fundraisers to come, but this one will hopefully cover mine and my Mom's first payment coming up later this month.

If you are not interested absolutely no worries!! But if you are, thank you ahead of time!!!

Love, Hunter Bug

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