Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another One.. and a Question

So this weekend we had another music festival. But THIS time it was state large group festival. Basically, all the major choirs from schools all over the state came to Park Hill High School and competed. In Staley's first choir that sang (Falcon Chorale.. our larger choir. I am in this one.) we received a 2.. which was kind of a bummer. But then our Chamber Choir sang (I am in this one also) received a 1. We were the very last school to find out our ratings.. but it was well worth the wait!

And onto my question. Well its not really a question. It's more of... A plea for advice. :)
I have this friend. And he/she is not doing so hot right now. This person was a really good friend of Megan's.. my friend that passed away a few months ago. And they are really having a hard time, and it's hitting them extremely hard. They won't go see a counselor, and all of the hurt that they've been covering up for the past few months is starting to leak out and it's becoming too much for them to bare. They pray and read their scriptures all the time, but they just aren't receiving the comfort they need. And I don't know what to do. I'm in need of some good advice.

Love, Hunter Bug


  1. Call Salt Lake and have them put their name on the prayer role at the Temple. My family does that for people we know who are struggling.

  2. While it may seem hard and like you are telling on a friend - there is only so much that you can do. If you are worried about your friend, you need to talk to an adult who is in a position to talk to and help this person - your mom, his/her mom or dad, their bishop, a school counselor. Seek help for this person as it sounds as if they are not in the current mental state to do it for themselves.

    Part of being a true friend is helping out the person that you love when they are not able to help themselves.

    They may be angry at you, but I promise that knowing you did the right thing will make your mind and heart be at peace.

    Hope this helps and sorry you have to go thru this - I know from first hand experience how horribly crappy it can be to deal with this much grief in high school - that is when everything is suppose to be fun and exciting.

    Speaking of fun and exciting - good job on the music fest. this weekend!

  3. I second McAtee! It is not weak to need help. Fundamental to the Plan on Salvation is our dependence on the Savior. We just need others to help us through this life. And sometimes we aren't in a position to receive the comfort of the Spirit but another person can help us get to that place. Counseling can help!!!!


G-rated comments are welcome. If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all.