Friday, March 27, 2009

All Is Right

Today at Liberty High School, tons of schools from all over the area competed in the Solo and Small Ensemble Festival. Now if you aren't as experienced in the music department or have absolutely no clue what I just said, have no fear. This competition consists of many different groups of small ensembles, such as solos, duo (2 people), trios (3 people), quartets (4).. etc. The biggest ensemble you can have is an octet (8 people). This year I chose to compete in a quartet with my friends Elaina Parker as our alto, Reid Van Engen as our tenor, and Mason Mershon as our bass. (And me as the soprano) While you are singing anyone can sit and listen, but while you are in this specifically assigned room you have one judge. This judge critiques you while you sing and then gives your ensemble/solo a rating. The ratings differ from 1 to 4... 1 being the highest and best score you could receive. Receiving a 1 also qualifies you to continue onto state.

Where am I going with this? Well. My ensemble sang today at 5:03 ( I know.. I know..). About an hour later we checked the ratings... this is what the sheet said.

Room Ensemble School Rating
815 Quartet Staley 1

WE'RE GOING TO STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Love, Hunter Bug


  1. Congrats girl. You are having quite a year.:) All that good livin'.

  2. That is awesome! Congratulations!!!!

  3. Yeah for you guys!! You forgot to mention that Elaina was the good witch and Reid was the scarecrow! ;)


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