Friday, March 13, 2009


Today we had a half day at school which marks... THE BEGINNING OF SPRING BREAK! AND BOY DO I NEED IT!

Plans for spring break:
1. sleep... A LOT!
2. Disney land!
3. BYU Provo... eh.
4. snowboard!
5. hopefully get some sort of soccer practice in since we'll be out of town and I won't be able to practice with my team.. *cough* mom *cough* :)
6. relaxing!

There is only one down side to today. We have soccer pictures in 4 hours. And if you live in Kansas City and have taken a look outside today.. you will notice that the atmosphere is not lookin' too pretty... nor is it feeling too good. Outcome: we are going to have some pretty crappy looking pictures. Thank you again bipolar weather!

Last night, about an hour and a half after soccer practice, I had to go back up to the school for some theater performances that I have to do for a grade in Theater II/III. In my particular play, I was a nurse who got her leg chopped off by her crazy boss, Doctor Houdini (no.. I did not write this play.. and no. I did not chose it either). But anyways.. as you SHOULD know.. when you get a limb cut off things usually get bloody. And oh believe me, they did. My hands are permanently stained red from the fake blood. No matter how hard I scrub, my hands remain a tinted red.. and it shows. How wonderful is that? Thank goodness it didn't stain my face!... For the most part.


Love, Hunter Bug


  1. at least you have a longer spring break i get off this friday and next monday. 4 day weekend! yay....i guess thats what i get for going to smithville


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