But later

-Written by: Megan Elizabeth Kitchen
I can't deny it any longer. I can't deny that my best friend is gone. Not GONE GONE... but gone, for the time being. It seems more real now and that scares me in a way. It shouldn't, but sometimes it does. Until the arrival of the head stone, I never truly felt that we lost her. I never really felt that I stood there, at the exact spot of this beautiful head stone, and held the hands of a young man she trusted and loved, and her family, whom I have a great and abiding love for. I never felt that my practical sister was the one in that shiny pink casket, whom we all mourn for the loss of. I think now it feels more permanent.. at least until I feel her lecturing me during the day to stop feeling so down or telling me that she loves me and can't wait to see me again. I feel great comfort, though I don't always realize that, knowing that I will be with her again. And she's right.. one day it will all make sense.
I especially felt her while my quartet and I sang two wonderful pieces of music in Columbia, Missouri for State today. She usually came and supported me in these types of things, and I know she continues to do so.
Now, I'm sure you are all DYING to know what rating we got at State. (wink wink) So I will leave you questioning no more. Not only did our quartet receive a ONE rating... we received a one PLUS! A 1+ is the highest rating you can obtain.. and we did it! And if that's not enough to cheer someone up.. This sure is!
"T-Rez" (our choir director) drove us to Columbia, and discovered his love for pink, sparkly glasses. They look pretty good on him.. Don't you think?
Be safe in your travels!
Love, Hunter Bug
The headstone definately brought the last 4 months back to a harsh reality. Sometimes when I think about it, it's still so painful that I can't almost bear it. But, I'm very aware of Megan's presence and the Spirit brings great comfort. This is one of those life changing experiences, not to be ever forgotten but less painful over time.
ReplyDeleteBut...I'm pretty excited about your state rating!
See...men can find their feminin side every now and again.
ReplyDeleteA friend told me the sweetest story the other day.... Her friends Father was dying. His last words spoken to his son..."I will be waiting for you!" Wow... really our loved ones are and how exciting to know that. She is waiting for you and I know is watching you carefully to work hard to see her again. I love you Hunter bug, and am so grateful for her example for you here and in heaven.
Oh and A++++++ yay!! Congratulations sweetie
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower of your mom's blog and just came over to check yours out. I love that your friend's original poetry is on her headstone. I'm a poet, too, and I can't think of anything more perfect.
ReplyDeleteSeems like you have a pretty neat family. And you have a pretty neat blog, too. Thanks for letting me visit!