Thursday, July 30, 2009

Good Ol' Kansas City

Tomorrow morning we are heading out bright and early and headin' home. We have had an awesome time but, as most of us know, it eventually takes it's toll. For those of you don't know...We have done quite a bit of driving in the past two weeks. From Kansas City, Mo, to Tulelake, Ca then 6 hours up to the Oregon Coast, back down to Tulelake and over to Centerville, Ut. (Don't forget all of the little trips in between.) I guess you could say I have spent enough time in the car to last me a while. BUT it has been fun to see all of the family and.. Oh my! There is just so much to say!! When I get back and have some time to download pictures, I'll elaborate a little more on what the KC Kanenwishers have been up to. But for now, I need to head back up to the condo and finish packing for the 16 HOUR DRIVE to Kansas City. :)

Hope all has been well! Happy Late 17th Birthday to Aubrey!

Love, Hunter Bug


  1. Travel safely! I'll feel your pain very soon on the one-day trip from UT to KC...we're doing the same trek in six weeks for a wedding in SLC. Can't wait to see pix!

  2. Thanks girly!!! I'm SO excited that you're coming back! Love you!! :D


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