You know when ever you have those amazing spiritual experiences and you want to tell someone all about it and how special it was to you, but there are no words and no way to describe it? I feel that exact way about EFY this week! This has probably been one of my top three spiritual and life changing experiences. I had so much fun and met so many new strong youth, while growing so close to the Savior and my Heavenly Father. My favorite part of the week was Tuesday and Wednesday. These were the days when we would go to a hour long class and listen to these awesome teachers that were chosen for the Columbia, MO session of EFY. For example, some of the classes I decided to attend were Finding Christ While Dodging Deception in the Latter-Days, Principles of Heaven, No Burden Too Great, Gospel Sunsets, Worldliness Never Was Happiness, Be Thou An Example of the Believers, Reaching To the One, and Overcoming Anger, Offense and Other Counter Attacks on Our Agency. I was absolutely shocked with the powerful spirit that I felt and how greatly the words of these wonderful teachers effected me.
Now here is the fun part. There can't possibly be an awesome EFY without.. PICTURES!!

This is my company.. PERISH NOT! All I can say about this group of youth is... WOW! I love all of them so much! And I hope to see them again next year.

This is Toni and I! She was in my company and is one of the most friendly and beautiful people I know!

This is my room mate Sarah. She lives in Oklahoma.. :( but she is such a powerful youth in the gospel and I am so thankful for her example throughout the week.

(Left to Right) Ryn, Toni, and Shiela. All girls from my company and look how beautiful they are!!! And their personalities match it too!

We had amazing counselors!

And extremely cute guys! This is Spencer Roberts.. my COW (Crush Of the Week). :)

Like I said earlier, the classes were awesome! (Nate Thorne)

And the dances were a blast!!! (Andrew Mack and Toni)
Our service project was a success! (Joey Johnsen with black crayon on his face.)
And we developed friendships that we will never forget!
I think that every young man and young woman in this church should attend EFY when they reach the age of 14! It's such a life altering experience and I can't wait to go back next year!
Love, Hunter Bug
I'm so glad you had such a great experience at EFY!!!! You're so cute!!!
ReplyDeleteSo are you still mad at me for "making" you go? ♥
ReplyDeleteI had no idea there was even EFY going on! I'm such a spiritual lameo :[
ReplyDeleteHAHAH...COW? That termanology just made my day!!! :D
Aghhh....I LOVE the pictures!! They just brought back so many memories for me - I loved going to EFY every year! I am so glad you got to experience it - there is no bigger spiritual rush than that full week of classes, service projects and hanging with all LDS youth. I think everyone should go at least once. I only wish they had EFY for adults - we could all use that spiritual rush once a summer.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing and bringing back a flood of memories for me :)
EFY is the best! I'm so glad you had such a great experience.
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures, but mostly I LOVE the brown polka-dot dress! It's amazing! Where did you get it I want one.
ReplyDeleteHey Hunter,
ReplyDeletei stumbled upon your blog and i'm glad i did! I too LOVE e.f.y- i was a counselor after attending as a youth 6 times! I'm so glad you had such an amazing time, and i agree, ALL youth should go!