Saturday, June 27, 2009
Happy Birthday Bishop!
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BISHOP LITSTER! Besides my Dad and my Heavenly Father and Brother, this man is the most important man in my life. I love him so much and I don't know where I would be without him. I certainly would have a lot on my plate with no chance of wiping it clean. For his birthday today, he attended the temple trip with the youth. Some birthday, right? Wrong! I know he wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else than at the temple. Not only is he an excellent dessert maker and drive a monstrous van, but he is such an inspiring, uplifting, patient man. And I am proud to call him my Bishop. :)
Love, Hunter Bug
Ps. Notice I didn't put how old he was. I'll leave that one a mystery. :)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hunter's Review

Last night at mutual all we could talk about was how the midnight showing of Transformers was in 4 hours.. or 3 hours.. or whatever. Somehow landed myself a ticket with a few of the youth from my ward and right after mutual we all headed over to AMC theaters. But BEFORE we left I ran into one of my old young women's leaders (though she is the FURTHEST thing from old) and she told me to check it out for her 11 year old son.. you know, see if it's "kid" appropriate. Well, for all of those who are thinking the same thing, I have a review right up front for ya.
When I got my ticket, I was kind of surprised that it said the movie was rated PG.. I don't know if it was a misprint or if they were just being sneaky and wanting to sell more tickets because the rating shows that Transformers is "kid" appropriate. DO NOT BE FOOLED! If I had an 11 year old son, I would hold off on letting him watching it.. But I guess that depends on your view of what they can and cannot see. Don' get me wrong.. Transformers was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mom and I talked one time about how we love listening to it while we are in the car.. just because whenever the robots transform it is the coolest sound ever! Trust me.. it's gotten better. It is pretty long, but I never noticed a dull moment in the movie. Tranformers is funny, the actors are all great and it definitely keeps you on the edge of you seat. I loved it!!!!!!!!!
Now, why do I think that it is not kid appropriate? I was ultimately shocked with the amount of cussing. There are a few suggestive parts that are questionable for an 11 year old (or younger) to see and it does show someones bare behind, but the cussing was definitely noticeable. ALL of us noticed it. And if a group of teenagers notices a lot of cussing in a movie supposedly rated PG.. there's gotta be something wrong with that. If you allow yourself to really get into it, some of the cussing kind of blends in with all of the other dialogue, because this kind of cussing is more often heard around us during the day. They threw a lot of cussing in there to try and spice up the more humorous spots, and though, yes, it did have us all laughing, there was a point where we all looked at each other and said "PG? Yeah right.".
I would recommend this for teenagers 15+ and Mommy Daddy date nights.
Hope you enjoy! It's a pretty good one!
Love, Hunter Bug
Friday, June 19, 2009
LoLa E Bola

You never cease to amaze me. You hate to cuddle.. yet you always seem to find a snuggly spot next to someone when they are feeling down. And no matter how mean Bridger and Dad are to you; always pulling on your "facial hair" and ears just to see what you'll do, you love on them and greet them the most when they come home from being out.
You know just what an apology looks like. For instance, today when I sat down on the floor and you nearly scratched my eye out, because you thought I was asking you to play; you heard me say some very naughty words to you. So you laid your ears back and licked my arm, surprisingly making me forget how mad I was.
You are the perfect playmate, because you are always up for wrestling, throwing the ball, going for a walk, etc.
Things you could refrain from doing for a while.. (or forever):
1. attempting to run/running out the door every single time it's open
3. When you drag every one's socks around.. could you possibly carry them around in matched pairs? This would save me a ton of work looking for my matching socks.
I think that should pretty much covers it. :) Love you!
Love, Hunter Bug
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Summer Living
Liberty Hills Country Club has been our designated swim team for the past.. 8 years? Correct me if I'm wrong Mom. But anywho... We have a swim meet tonight against St. Joe (our rivals) and it should be.. good? I don't think it's going to turn out in our favor, though we do usually KILL them. :)
Have some soccer stuff coming up.. Should be exciting. :)
And I'd like to apologize ahead of time for the lack of posting that will be occuring soon. But I'm always pleased to see that everyone keeps up to date on their blogs and I love to see how your guys' summer is going! So lets let Hunter feel the love! Let me know how summer is going!
Love, Hunter Bug
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Girls Camp.. A Blessing
I don't know about other girls camps.. but at our girls camp we have a tradition that our parents write us a letter, and on the last full day of camp we spread out all over and read these letters. This year I received two letters; one from my mom and one from my dad. For those of you who don't know me that well.. it has not been an easy year. Heartbreak, sorrow, poor decision making, and loss of a few lives have been impacting factors. And at some points it seems hopeless and lonely. I read those letters and felt the spirit so strong it almost hurt, and any feeling of hopelessness or loneliness was immediately dispersed. The amount of love expressed in the letters from my parents gave me the ultimate feeling of love and reassured me of the Lord's plan for each and every one us. We are given trials and tribulations because He loves us, and wants us to return to him. He will never give us more than we can handle. And He will never leave us alone.
I wish my camera hadn't stopped working right before camp because there were so many times when I would want to take a picture, thinking about how all of you would get a kick out of whatever it was. But an upside to this is that if I had my camera on this trip, you would have all fallen asleep reading the captions under all the pictures; with the inside jokes and funny happenings.
I'm so very thankful for the opportunity I have had to participate on this truly strengthening trip. Now all I have to do is see if I can convince my mom and dad to let me skip a few days of our family reunion to attend Youth Conference in July. :)
Love, Hunter Bug
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Bridger Connie!
We haven't really celebrated much.. but then again we haven't really celebrated our birthdays in style a lot recently. (Well... that's goes with the exception of Dads big 40th party.) But I know she feels loved all the same. We do have ice cream and ice cream cake though, so that should be a celebration in itself.
Good news for her is that she'll be celebrating all week! Tomorrow the YCL's (that would be me!) all head up to Camp Mozingo to prepare ourselves and the camp for the arrival of our "Little Sisters". There are two sad things about this. One, on Tuesday when the other girls come up to the camp, (that includes Bridger) the 4th year YCL's (me) and the 4th years are heading to a different location to go back packing. So the first few days I won't be able to see her having fun and seeing old friends while meeting new ones. The second sad thing is that we have come to an end of a Kanenwisher packed girls camp. Mom and Chloe have decided to retire from girls camp, so this year it will be Dad, Bridger, and yours truly, duking it out in the POURING DOWN RAIN AND THUNDERSTORMS! Should be fun. :)
Love, Hunter Bug
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tomorrow I get right back into the regular schedule.. starting off with swim practice early in the morning.
Happy to be home! And not so ready to leave again on Monday. :(
Love, Hunter Bug
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
One More Day
My mom posted this on her blog. And one of the questions is: Who will most likely post this?... My mom said Hunter. And who am I to not happily oblige. :)
1. What is your occupation right now? Master Traveler of the Western United States
2. What color are your socks right now? actually.. no socks!
3. What are you listening to right now? the washer and dryer
4. What was the last thing that you ate? a marshmallow cookie.
5. Can you drive a stick shift? sort of.. THANKS TOM!!! :)
6. Last person you spoke to on the phone? my momma
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? shes my mom.. I'm not supposed to like her. (wink wink) of course I like her!
8. How old are you today?16
9. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Indianapolis Colts Football! or England Soccer. :)
10. What is your favorite drink? cranberry juice!
11. Have you ever dyed your hair? Aha!... Yeah
12. Favorite food? chocolate! guess who I got that from?
13. What is the last movie you watched? Mr. and Mrs. Smith
14. Favorite day of the year? July 4th
15. How do you vent anger? anyone who doesn't already know this.. probably shouldn't know. :/
16. What was your favorite toy as a child? Lion King action figures
17. What is your favorite season? summer
18. Cherries or Blueberries? Blueberries.
19. Do you want your friends to answer this? If they'd like to
20. Who is the most likely to post it? mm.. probably no one
21. Who is least likely to fill it out?
22. Living arrangements? my home in Kansas City, MO
23. When was the last time you cried? Today.
24. What is on the floor of your closet? my shoes! I cleaned my room before I left. :)
25. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Mom.. and Chloe
26. What did you do last night? ate dinner with some family, watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and then watched NFL Game of the Week. The main topic.. Indianapolis Colts. Woo!
27. What are you most afraid of? making big mistakes
28. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? cheeseburger
29. Favorite dog breed? Borable! (I think that's how you spell it)
30. Favorite day of the week? Fridays
31. How many states have you lived in? 3
32. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
33. What is your favorite flower? Hibiscuses
Love, Hunter Bug
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Beautiful State of Montana
I have spent most of my time with my cousins, Spencer, Jackson, Collin, and Beau, and also with some old friends, Zander, Adam, and Alyssa Smith. We have gone swimming, bike riding, and four-wheeling (apparently four-wheeling in trucks is a big thing.. at least with the 6 boys listed above). Now there are some things that you have to understand about the activities I have mentioned. Swimming here is not done in a pool... Nor a lake (due to extremely cold temperatures of the water in the lakes) though they do have both. Swimming here is done in ponds in peoples' yards. So you know when you are driving down a country road and you see big ponds in peoples' yards.. yeah.. they are a lot deeper and warmer than you think they are. (I told my mom this and I think I almost made her puke :) ) Bike riding, eh... pretty much the same everywhere. As for four-wheeling in trucks. Not the safest of activities, and trust me, had I actually KNOWN that we were going four-wheeling in a 3 passenger truck (which was full, with two passengers in the bed of the truck) there would have been no way in h-e-double hockey sticks that I would have gotten in. You see, what I mean by "if I had known we were going four-wheeling", I mean just that. I HAD NO IDEA! To my knowledge, we were putting out the hay for the horses.. which we did in fact do. But the boys also thought it would be funny to go their usual four-wheeling route in the fields.. WITHOUT TELLING ME. Great fun.. huh? Could be, if you are in a vehicle to handle that kind of action. But nonetheless, they still made it fun for me.
Though I am having fun, I still miss my family back home. I wish we could all be so much closer so we could see each other more often. But gosh darnit, good old Missouri is home. And I love it there!
Coming home Thursday. And then girl's camp starts up Monday! And the good think about that is.. I am a YCL for the 4th years!! So I still get to be with some of my favorite young women from my ward. :) And we are going back-packing for the 4th year trip, which is awesome in itself. :)
Love, Hunter Bug