Friday, March 27, 2009
All Is Right
Where am I going with this? Well. My ensemble sang today at 5:03 ( I know.. I know..). About an hour later we checked the ratings... this is what the sheet said.
Room Ensemble School Rating
815 Quartet Staley 1
WE'RE GOING TO STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Love, Hunter Bug
Monday, March 23, 2009
Back to Reality
March 15th: Boarded the plane to LA, California then drove to Anaheim where we unloaded out things at the hotel.

Here we find Chloe and I with our favorite Starbucks drinks. Caffeine Free.. of course.
March 16th: Woke up in early and went to Disneyland!!!!

Possibly one of the coolest things at Disneyland was the Jedi training in "tomorrow land"
March 17th: We went to California Adventures! Which I am sorry to say.. I did not take any pictures of. But if you would like to see some you can go check out my mom's blog. I'm sure she has plenty from her camera!
March 18th: On this day we woke up and went down to Newport where we stopped at the beach, splashed in the water, picked up some sea shells, got sand EVERYWHERE, etc. Again, sadly.. I did not take any pictures here. And again, I'm positive my mom will have plenty. After we went to the beach we went to the airport and landed in Salt Lake City, Utah.
March 19th: One word... SNOWBOARDING! That's right! Woke up the next morning and went snowboarding! Not for very long.. but still. The only major down to this was that it was extremely warm (never thought that could be a down) and it melted the snow fast! So pretty much I was snowboarding through slush. Not the greatest. Then after that the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" drove down to valley and did some shopping while waiting for Dad to get off work. For those of you who know me pretty well, you know that shopping is on my top 5 things I hate to do the most. But four new pairs of shorts I desperately needed... SCORE!

Ps. Our Einstein when he woke up this morning... but shh!! No telling! :)
March 20th: Zoo! Thanks to Brooke and her clever ideas.. Chloe was hooked immediately and we met our cousins and Brooke's husband Taylor at the Zoo.
March 21st: Got on the plane and made the long trip home.
Overall.. it was awesome!! And I loved every second of it. And I mean EVERY second. That's saying a lot for me. :)
HOPE YOU HAD JUST AS GREAT OF A BREAK! No matter how small. :)
Love, Hunter Bug
Friday, March 13, 2009
Plans for spring break:
1. sleep... A LOT!
2. Disney land!
3. BYU Provo... eh.
4. snowboard!
5. hopefully get some sort of soccer practice in since we'll be out of town and I won't be able to practice with my team.. *cough* mom *cough* :)
6. relaxing!
There is only one down side to today. We have soccer pictures in 4 hours. And if you live in Kansas City and have taken a look outside today.. you will notice that the atmosphere is not lookin' too pretty... nor is it feeling too good. Outcome: we are going to have some pretty crappy looking pictures. Thank you again bipolar weather!
Last night, about an hour and a half after soccer practice, I had to go back up to the school for some theater performances that I have to do for a grade in Theater II/III. In my particular play, I was a nurse who got her leg chopped off by her crazy boss, Doctor Houdini (no.. I did not write this play.. and no. I did not chose it either). But anyways.. as you SHOULD know.. when you get a limb cut off things usually get bloody. And oh believe me, they did. My hands are permanently stained red from the fake blood. No matter how hard I scrub, my hands remain a tinted red.. and it shows. How wonderful is that? Thank goodness it didn't stain my face!... For the most part.
Love, Hunter Bug
Monday, March 9, 2009
And the verdict is...
So if I thought the snow was bad.. boy was I wrong. Today in practice it RAINED. At first it was just barely going and it wasn't bothering anyone. And then it rained harder, and harder, and harder!! The result.. we got out of practice early... YES!
Uncle Chris and Uncle Kenny left today to go back to Montana. So that's the last of 'em.. and I'm really sad. I LOVE havin' them around. But their families needed 'em back home. Meanies... :)
Well.. I smell like rain and dirt.. So I'm gonna go take care of that.
Love, Hunter Bug
Friday, March 6, 2009
How can I ever say thank you
For all of the wonderful things you do.
We've traveled sea to sea, coast to coast
I'm tellin' you what.. you're not like most.
I know I'm doin' something wrong when you give me the "evil eye".
GUESS WHAT DAD??!! You're MY kinda guy!
You've brought me so high up so fast,
And created some wonderful memories and lessons that will always last.
Even though the calender says you're growing too old,
Don't worry, you're still down here with me and stickin like mold.
For you, it's never to late to play Rock Band,
And you always go for the prize so grand.
In your schedule, the hard work never ends.
Yet, you keep our family in one piece, no matter how much it bends.
I love you Daddy! And I have this much to say:
Please have a great time cause....... ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Hunter Bug :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I Can't Believe This!
Good news is.. I made the Lady Falcons Soccer Team. Bad news I have to wait until the end of the week to find out exactly what team I made.
Love. Hunter Bug
Monday, March 2, 2009
Annnnd... We're Done!

On the last night of the show, I can remember two things. One, while singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow, I took a few seconds during the song to look at the crowd, and the people watching me from back stage. The looks on their faces were priceless, almost heartbreaking. And I wouldn't trade 'em for anything. Two, when we were in the last scene of the last act, and as I was saying my final line to "Auntie Em" (Sam Jones), she started crying. I finally said.. "Oh Annie Em.. There really is no place like home.", grabbed her and gave her a big hug, ran off stage and gave everyone else a hug, and THEN the down pour came. It was great... :)
This has taught me a lot! And I can't wait for next year's musical. Betcha can't wait to here ALL about that too.
Love, Hunter Bug