Starting with the woman who made it all possible. :)
A few of possibly the greatest friends ever.

Elaina Parker.. the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz last year.

Around The Leaf!
Starting with the woman who made it all possible. :)
A few of possibly the greatest friends ever.
Elaina Parker.. the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz last year.
Courtney Cox and Taylor Lott!
(Left to Right) Courtney Cox, Bug, Heather Martin, and Becca Cochran
This is our first show that we are producing this year at Staley High School. In theater III we get to produce and perform our own show with just the students in the class. The stressful part about it.... It occurs on October 1,2, and 3. AND the best part is... we don't have our scripts yet. So we haven't begun to rehearse. That means we have about 5 weeks to put it together. Oy. But we have begun working on advertisement and continued working on our theater portfolios.. so at least we are being somewhat productive.
Now some of you might be asking "What is the actual musical for this year?". Excellant question!
Yes! We are performing Little Shop of Horrors for our musical this year! Auditions are in November so we are all getting pretty excited for that!
Love, Hunter Bug
After all these years you would think that I would be more than happy for the day my Clo Bo left home. Exactly the opposite. She has taught me more than I ever thought possible. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done.. saying good bye to my sissy.
However, I did get to talk to them while they were traveling today. Our ward had an interesting opportunity today. One you would NOT expect at the temple.
Mhmm. And no.. I'm not joking. And yes.. I have gotten that reaction every time I've told someone. David Archuleta was in Omaha, Nebraska for a concert and attended the Winter Quarters Temple while there. Just so happens that he attended the same baptismal session as our ward. It was funny to see the different reactions of our youth when we first walked into the chapel. He sat directly behind a couple friends and me. Boy, was Brother Anderson lucky that he was able to confirm him. I can't tell you how many girls would just be happy to TOUCH him! But it was cool to talk to him for a little bit and then he was on his way.
It's raining.. pouring actually.. and it's Saturday night. Only a few more days until school. I'll take my chances.. :)
Love, Hunter Bug
The first time Noah has even said "CHEESE" to the camera for me. And with ice cream all over his mouth! How could I resist? :)
Love, Hunter Bug
One example are the cute things the Ritter B's do for me.. that they probably don't realize they do. Everytime I see Jordie she gives me a big huge hug. What she doesn't realize is that her little act of kindness makes my day so much better, and she some how finds a way to give me these big hugs when I really need them the most. All of the Ritter B's are like that. :)
Another example occured today at a time when I least expected it. I was having one of those "down days" that everyone gets once in a while (or if you're like me.. a lot more than that!) and it came around to the time in Young Womens when we do our "spotlight" of the week; a leader describes a girl and we all guess who it is and that girl gets a candy bar. Well today I was the "spotlight" of the week, and when I got up, my Laurels teacher asked me to stand up front so she could read off some things that the girls had written about me a few months earlier. The list went like this: She is so AMAZING and so is her hair. She is like an older sister to me. She is a great role model. She is beautiful. She cares deeply for others. She is an example of spiritual strength. Hunter is so wonderful. She has such a great testimony of the gospel. She thinks about her friends and cares for them.Bought new prom and homecoming dresses!
And of course spent time with our favorite Morgans! They tooks us to the 2009 MLS All-Star game! Although USA lost.. it was still fun!!
Love, Hunter Bug
In the end the message is always the same.... GO SEE HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE! :)
Love, Hunter Bug
And the dances were a blast!!! (Andrew Mack and Toni) Our service project was a success! (Joey Johnsen with black crayon on his face.)
And we developed friendships that we will never forget!
I think that every young man and young woman in this church should attend EFY when they reach the age of 14! It's such a life altering experience and I can't wait to go back next year!
Love, Hunter Bug
Last night at mutual all we could talk about was how the midnight showing of Transformers was in 4 hours.. or 3 hours.. or whatever. Somehow landed myself a ticket with a few of the youth from my ward and right after mutual we all headed over to AMC theaters. But BEFORE we left I ran into one of my old young women's leaders (though she is the FURTHEST thing from old) and she told me to check it out for her 11 year old son.. you know, see if it's "kid" appropriate. Well, for all of those who are thinking the same thing, I have a review right up front for ya.
When I got my ticket, I was kind of surprised that it said the movie was rated PG.. I don't know if it was a misprint or if they were just being sneaky and wanting to sell more tickets because the rating shows that Transformers is "kid" appropriate. DO NOT BE FOOLED! If I had an 11 year old son, I would hold off on letting him watching it.. But I guess that depends on your view of what they can and cannot see. Don' get me wrong.. Transformers was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mom and I talked one time about how we love listening to it while we are in the car.. just because whenever the robots transform it is the coolest sound ever! Trust me.. it's gotten better. It is pretty long, but I never noticed a dull moment in the movie. Tranformers is funny, the actors are all great and it definitely keeps you on the edge of you seat. I loved it!!!!!!!!!
Now, why do I think that it is not kid appropriate? I was ultimately shocked with the amount of cussing. There are a few suggestive parts that are questionable for an 11 year old (or younger) to see and it does show someones bare behind, but the cussing was definitely noticeable. ALL of us noticed it. And if a group of teenagers notices a lot of cussing in a movie supposedly rated PG.. there's gotta be something wrong with that. If you allow yourself to really get into it, some of the cussing kind of blends in with all of the other dialogue, because this kind of cussing is more often heard around us during the day. They threw a lot of cussing in there to try and spice up the more humorous spots, and though, yes, it did have us all laughing, there was a point where we all looked at each other and said "PG? Yeah right.".
I would recommend this for teenagers 15+ and Mommy Daddy date nights.
Hope you enjoy! It's a pretty good one!
Love, Hunter Bug