Dear Sissy,
I'm so proud of you and all you have accomplished. So I'm going to suck it up (the cramps, the coughing, the sneezing and wheezing) and I'm gonna come see you today. How could I have possibly thought that I would miss you, and your senior year in Oak Street at Northwest? After all, it could very well be the last time I see you perform on stage. You are, in fact, leaving in a few months. And I'm going to miss you.. terribly. I don't know if I'll be able to live without our famous "Chloe and Hunter" talks when you come home from a date, and that last til 1 in the morning. I don't know what I'm going to do when I get those sudden Panda cravings, and I have no one to share them with. And what about when I get mad at mom.. or Bridger.. or dad? Who am I going to complain to? :) To sum it up, I don't want you to leave! Not yet anyways. I feel like I'm slowly losing a part of me; a part of me that took a freaking long time to mold into place. Yes, we still have a little while. And we still have tons of stuff that we need to get in trouble for. And we still have plenty of those fights that take us literally a minute to get over. Oh! And don't forget we have all summer to fight over the bug! But I promise you, I'll make them memorable. :) And I promise you, I'll keep trying to maintain my spot as your favorite sis. :p Out of anyone, you are my top best friend and always will be my #1!
You are my sister.
My #1 friend.
My partner in crime.
A love that will never end.
You are my floaties
So I can't possibly sink in the water.
You've created something special.
Those moments we say, "Oh Tarter!"
You are my inspiration
Something that can't be replaced.
My colleague, teacher, and best pal.
Forever, we are laced.
Good luck today blowie!!!!
Love, Hunter Bug
Oh my gosh, that was so sweet! I almost cried! Maintain that great relationship girls!!