Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Know Your Tired Of It..

You know. I know you are sick and tired of hearing about the Wizard of Oz and how that is going.. but honestly.. that's all I do around here! From the time I get out of school til 9 at night I am rehearsing. Today is Thursday.. So we got out of school at 1:45 and I don't have to get back to the school for another hour and a half. Today is officially ONE WEEK until the opening night of the show.. and I'm feelin the heat! On Wednesday we're performing for all of the elementary kids in the district. They will be coming in the middle of the school day to see a shortened version of the show.. and that's somewhat nerve-racking also.

Yesterday was the best though! At nine in the morning, the top 10 leads in the show (including our director Ms Blay, our student director Melissa Ridgeway, and our stage manager Bethany Fay) went to the Antioch Baptist Church and did a "sneak peek preview" of the Wizard of Oz for senior citizens. It was so much fun! They were great, and I think it was good for some of the cast to perform for more than just the munchkin's parents.

I think it's funny how ever since I was cast in the show, I haven't been called my actually name more than 5 times. My name is Dorothy. My teachers call me Dorothy, my friends call me Dorothy, the announcer that says my name over the intercom before I sing the National Anthem calls me Dorothy, etc. And I have a feeling its going to be sticking for a while.




  1. I hope that you will just have fun with this experience and take from it what you've learned and the friends you made. It's not worth stressing the best you can and that's the best you can do.

  2. Have fun Dorothy! Enjoy it as much as you possibly can! Good Luck!! I just wish I could be there to see it!

  3. Do you know about the Wizard of Oz exhibit at Crown Center? You have to go there as Dorothy!


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