Monday, February 16, 2009

To Chad

For those of you who do not know Mr. Chad Roberts, he is an extremely talented, fun young man.. and means a great deal to me.

It's up to You
If you think you're a winner you'll win,
If you dare to step out you'll succeed.
Believe in your heart, have a purpose to start,
Aim to help fellow men in need.
Thoughts of faith must replace every doubt,
Words of Courage and you cannot fail.
If you stumble and fall, rise and stand ten feet tall,
You determine the course that you sail.

I read this and immediately thought of Chad. I wish I could take credit for this quote.. but according to "Pocket Positives For Our Times" it was written by anonymous.. whoever the heck that is.
Chad, I know I've told you this before.. But you are probably one of the strongest people I know. You've had a lot thrown at you in the past couple months. And honestly.. I don't know many people who can take that much stuff. I am so proud of you and all you have been able to accomplish.. especially with the extreme pressure you have been under. Your a light to so many around you.. and I'll most definitely include myself in that. Everything is going to work out great.. I promise. Love you tons!
Love, Hunter Bug

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