Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Been A While

Woah! Hello there! It's been a little while! Busy busy busy.. you know?

Choir, musical, friends, family, church, being sick, homework.. the list goes on and on!

A little over a week ago, one of my friend's friends (eh?) died in a car accident while he was driving drunk. I knew the young man, but never really got to actually KNOW him, so it wasn't too much of a blow. When she told me about the gruesome accident, she cried uncontrollably; showing me pictures of him and sobbing into my shoulder. And you know what? I could sit there and comfort her.. and let her know that everything is okay. He's not really gone.. just on "vacation", and that she will, in fact, see him again. It's sometimes hard to comfort others when they are grieving, knowing I feel that pain. But then I think back over to my patriarchal blessing, and how it says that it is one of my duties to help those in need, and especially those who are grieving... it makes it sooo much easier! (Thanks again Grandpa Argyle!!)

22 days until the opening night of the Wizard of Oz!
I'm freaking out!!!!!! I feel like I don't know my part at all! And that is definitely not a good thing. But we are officially starting to sell tickets to the public on the 7th...? I believe.

This weekend!!
I think my mom and I will be bringing the bags around for the food drive to everyone's houses so that ya'll don't feel like it's a huge rush! After the next week passes, we will come around and pick them up on February the 12th so that the food can be delivered by Valentines Day. :)

Well, I still have tons of homework to get done and dinner waiting.

Bug... OUT!

Love, Hunter Bug


  1. "Bug out" it!!

    "Mourn with those that mourn", "comfort those who stand in need of comfort" have learned at such an early age how to bless the lives of others. Because of lessons you have learned from your heartaches, you can help others manage theirs. Thank you for sharing your gift.


G-rated comments are welcome. If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all.