Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Bestest!

Musical: Not too bad today. My lines are memorized! Yay me!.. I can't say the same for some of my other cast members.. but hey! We'll work on it together! So now all I've got to do is get the music down, locate some pretty awesome sparkly slippers (not counting the ones I wore for a Halloween years ago), practice my "stage crying", and I'll be in tip top shape!

After musical: The 6 leads in our cast have been instructed to become more "close-knitted", and start hanging out more so that we can interact better together while on stage. We have DEFINITELY taken that to heart! These guys are without a doubt "the bestest" people ever! Once a week, or so, the 6 leads (being Elaina Parker- Glinda, Reid Van Engen- Scarecrow, Brendan Stevens- Tinman, Ian McDonald- Lion, Nate Algaier- Zeke, and myself- Dorothy) all get together and do some "bonding". This bonding usually consists of eating... and talking for hours! We did that today! After musical practice we went to CHIPOTLE and ate and talked talked talked! Their all such good kids and I feel so blessed to have them as my friends!

Side note: Do groups usually comes in "6s". I now have "the gang" (earlier post) and "the cast". Hmmm.

STALEY WRESTLING: So as most of you know.. the North Kansas City School District built a brand new high school in the last few years (Staley High School) , because of overcrowding at Oak Park. Well because of my current address, I was switched over from Oak Park from Staley.. without my sister. But it's all been worth it! Sure.. I miss Oak Park.. But I couldn't be more grateful for such an awesome school! So many more opportunities.. and things to do. Also, as most of you welllllll know.. high school wrestling has played a key role in my Chloe's and my high school career. She- being in involved with Oak Park wrestling.. and me- being involved in Staley wrestling. (Guess that's another thing we got from dad.) The reason I bring this up is because I am super excited that my fan gear has finally come in! (Yes.. I lead a VERY exciting life!... Can you tell?) I ordered them over a month ago and I finally got all of it today! This may seem simple and pointless to you.. but hoooo boy have I been excited for this stuff to come in!.... Wow! I really need a life!

Signing off for now. Ta ta! Love you all! Please please please be safe in your travels!

Love, Hunter Bug


  1. It's getting exciting over at Staley! Aren't you glad we made you go this year? ;)

  2. I love getting "gifts" in the mail regardless how simple or silly!! How cool to create such sweet memories with new friends. Love you sweetie!!


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