Monday, January 5, 2009

Goin' For A Ride In The Car

I LOVE driving with my mom! Not my dad... definitely my mom. When I'm driving with my dad he's constantly nagging me and pointing out everything- and I mean EVERYTHING! And I feel like I don't learn anything. With my mom, she just lets me drive and do my own thing, occasionally saying something helpful, but mostly just sitting there. It feels like I'm driving around with one of my girlfriends- Correction. It IS like driving around with one of my girlfriends. Not quite as crazy... but still enjoyable.

We drove past the temple site and even though there isn't any real action going on yet, and even though it's winter and everything in Missouri looks completely dead... it was still gorgeous. Maybe it's just the feeling you get driving past, knowing that in a few years there will be a glorious temple there. The only downside to this is that by the time the temple is actually built, I'll be off to college and considering whether I want to go on a mission or not. But it brings me comfort to know that there will be one so close to all of our friends and family here, and that there could be a great possibility that I could get married so close to home. (Ugh. Creepy and disgusting thought...)

Oh well. I'm hoping for my lunch date (Sonja Litster.. :) ) to call me soon!

We go back to school tomorrow.. nooooo! Winter break went by way to fast. I just hope that second semester goes by even more quickly. (I know.. such an optimistic thought.)

Love, Hunter Bug


  1. Well, it's not THAT scary all the time. You got in a good hour today...only 37 to go! Glad to know I'm enjoyable...and that you're creeped out about being married...I need you to wait awhile on that on!

  2. Hunter
    I am thoroughly enjoying your blog. Thanks for opening up so we oldies but goodies can get a glimpse of who you are and why your mom thinks you are so fantastic!
    Valerie Anderson

  3. Dude, I drove today too! I'm not even sure how many times I've driven or how long, but I drove A LOT today. I better get my liscence before you, but I doubt that since I barely drive because my mom's seizures made her perception off so we weren't able to drive very much anywhere without fighting since she was loony :) My permit expires in March, so I better get busy!

  4. Whoo-Hoo..go Hunter. I'm so glad your mom is enjoying taking you out! The Temple grounds are so sacred and how awesome you feel that..Loves


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